Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Moving in!!!

Daisy Jones-Klein here, reporting again today. My Peeps had quite a memorable Memorial Day with all the moving, and by day's end realized that they didn't have the energy levels they had when they were pups. So once again, reporting the news is up to me.

Since our stuff got here ahead of schedule, the movers began early Monday on Memorial Day. We met the van at the bottom of the hill in our neighborhood, where they had already begun transferring everything into a smaller shuttle truck to run up the rest of the way to our house:

There were lots and lots of people and boxes and noises! Apparently, for some strange reason, my Peeps didn't like me barking at each and every person passing by me! As if a little ankle nip would interrupt anything! Anyway, Mom and Dad decided that it would be a good day for me (or, as they sometimes call me, "Our Lil' Liability") to get to know my own room a little better.

I joined my Peeps for a lunch break. Their first meal on their deck (which around here is called a portal)! Best of all, lots of bits of ham and bacon dropping off of their sandwiches. Good thing I was around to help clean up the floor, huh?

All day long, there's stuff moving in, boxes being opened, furniture being reassembled, and empties going out. But by late in the day, it started to seem a little more normal, and some of our favorite Terri Knoll Court pieces began to adapt to their locations in their new Forever Home:

About 10 hours later, the movers had all left, and the house started getting quiet. My Peeps left me here to guard and protect the place while they went next door for a neighborhood Memorial Day get-together. They got to look down and see the house from a little higher up:

Then they smooched as the sun went down:

Someone probably said something like "Get a room!" They laughed, and just pointed next door, where I had already found my room:

Today (and the next week or two) is gonna be another unpacking day, and lots more visitors! Mom & Dad have already told me that it's probably a good day to stay in my crib. Seems I'm already getting a reputation around these parts.

Daisy Jones-Klein, The Bark of the West