zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ........
zzzzz ........Oh ... hi everyone! Daisy Jones-Klein here again. I wasn't really napping; I was, ummm, collecting my thoughts and planning out the rest of the day. Yeah, that's it. Definitely not napping! You see, Jack Russell Terriers are working dogs, and it certainly wouldn't be fittin' for me to be lying down on the job.
And there's lots to do on this job! For instance, I help Mom check the perimeters:
I pin down sunbeams to keep them from escaping, and believe me, there are lots of them here:
I go exploring to see what's new:
And of course I help out with all the unpacking:
And I'm on the lookout for other furry beasts. Normally I don't get along well with other dogs, but I finally found one that seems both cute and friendly. Good lookin', too. Quite the catch, if I must say!
And because there's so much to my job, and also since Santa Fe's into healthy lifestyles, I've started a training regime to keep myself fit. That's important! Once you're over 10 years old, you'll appreciate what I'm saying here.
FUN FACT!! If you Google the phrase "favorite dogblogger" -- in quotes -- this blog is at the top of the Google charts! Pretty good for a rescue dog, huh? Thanks to you all, Gentle Readers, for helping me to think big.
Readers have also been asking me "Daisy, why don't you show us more pictures of the house?" Good question! But have you ever tried working the buttons on one of those little cameras with your paws? Not so easy, huh? So I got my Peeps to rig up a DaisyCam to my collar, and now I can let you see things as I see them. And for those of you taller than about 1'3'', sorry about the close-to-the-floor perspective -- I'm a Jack Russell Terrier after all, not a Great Dane!
Let's start our tour by coming in the front door. Still lots of boxes and not much furniture, so we'll keep moving ...
... into the kitchen, and around the island ...
... then out to the portal. My Peeps tell me there's a view on the other side, but these stucco walls are waaaay too high for me to verify that:
Back inside, past Mom & Dad's room ...
... then to the big bathroom. WARNING!! DANGER!!! DO NOT go past that glass door! I made that mistake a few days ago, and water came down all over me and I was all soaped up before I could escape. It took two whole days before I could regain my old familiar funky smell!
Then up the steps to where Mom & Dad do their work:
Dad's office has lots of piles and boxes; much better for sniffing around:
Mom's office seems to be much tidier. And it also has those comfy chairs:
.... which is where I'm going to put away the DaisyCam and stay for a little nap .... ummmm, wait ... I mean collect my thoughts and plan what's next.
Hope your days are also productive! Back with you in a few . . .
Daisy Jones-Klein